python用hashlib 遇到 TypeError: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing
使用hashlib库的朋友想必都遇到过以下的错误吧:“Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing”,意思是在进行md5哈希运算前,需要对数据进行编码
>>> import hashlib >>> date = '' >>> m = hashlib.md5(date) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing
>>> m = hashlib.md5(date.encode('utf-8')) >>> print(m.hexdigest()) 7ba10da18d9aecb8e25907a32c0eecee >>>
for letter in letters: m = hashlib.md5() im3 = im2.crop((letter[0], 0, letter[1], im2.size[1])) # m.update(("%s%s" % (time.time(), count))) 原代码 # 正确代码 m.update(("%s%s" % (time.time(), count)).encode('utf-8'))"./%s.gif" % (m.hexdigest())) count += 1
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